Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

Avivame Hoy Ministries is driven by a powerful mission and vision to impact this generation with the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The core values of the ministry center around spiritual empowerment, equipping individuals with the tools they need to live victorious lives in Christ Jesus.

The mission includes:

  1. Reaching the Generation: Avivame Hoy Ministries is committed to reaching out to the current generation, meeting them where they are, and guiding them towards spiritual fulfillment.
  2. Holy Spirit and Fire: The ministry seeks to ignite a passion for the Holy Spirit and the fire of God within individuals, fostering a deep and personal relationship with the divine.
  3. Equipping with the Word of God: Avivame Hoy Ministries aims to equip believers with the solid foundation of the Word of God, enabling them to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and Rstrength.

  4. estoring Families: Recognizing the importance of strong family units, the ministry endeavors to restore broken families, fostering unity, love, and understanding among family members.
  5. Early Spiritual Formation: The ministry emphasizes the importance of instilling a love for God and His Word from a young age, believing that children should be nurtured in the ways of the Spirit from their earliest years.

The overarching vision encompasses:

  1. Restoration: Avivame Hoy Ministries envisions a world where individuals experience restoration in every aspect of their lives—spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.
  2. Healing: The ministry seeks to facilitate healing, both physical and emotional, through the power the Holy Spirit and God's word and prayer, faith, and God's unconditional love.
  3. Deliverance: Avivame Hoy Ministries aims to break chains of bondage and deliver individuals from the grip of sin, addiction, and oppression, setting them free to walk in the fullness of God's  purpose for their lives.
  4. Word of Faith: Central to the ministry's vision is the belief in the life-changing power of faith-filled words, spoken in alignment with God's promises, to bring about transformation and victory.
  5. Life of Victory: Ultimately, Avivame Hoy Ministries desires for every individual to experience a life of victory in Christ, characterized by joy, peace, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.

Through its mission and vision, Avivame Hoy Ministries endeavors to make a profound impact on individuals, families, and communities, ushering them into a deeper relationship with God and a life of purpose and victory.

The Vision

Avivame Hoy Ministries is driven by a powerful vision rooted in the teachings of the Gospel. The passage from Mark 16:15-18 encapsulates the essence of the mission—to spread the message of salvation and to demonstrate the transformative power of faith through signs and wonders.

The emphasis on equipping believers and helping them identify their calling and gifts is crucial for empowering individuals to fulfill their God-given purpose. By nurturing and training believers, Avivame Hoy Ministries is not only spreading the Gospel but also building a strong community of believers who can actively participate in God's work.
The commitment to impacting the city by the power of the Holy Spirit signifies a holistic approach to ministry, recognizing the importance of both proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel message.

Overall, Avivame Hoy Ministries seems dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission and making a tangible difference in the lives of people, guided by the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.